Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tsuris and Other Literary Pleasures





The 6th Annual Shaindy Rudoff Memorial Evening

Sunday-Tuesday, May 6-8, 2012, Bar-Ilan University, Beck Auditorium, (unless otherwise

Sunday, May 6 Tsuris and Humor, An Evening with Allen Hoffman and Joseph Skibell

17:15-18:00 Reception in honor of Hoffman’s retirement
18:00-20:00 Readings and Conversation with Allen Hoffman and Joseph Skibell

Monday, May 7 Other Literary Pleasures

9:30-11:00 Panel discussion on Allen Hoffman’s writing, moderated by Michael Kramer

Participants: Sharon Baris, William Kolbrener, and Shira Wolosky. Linda Zisquit will read
comments by Steve Stern, Melvin Bukiet and Sidra Ezrahi.

11:30-12:30 Readings by Hoffman’s students, graduates of the Shaindy Rudoff Program:
Janice Weizman, Sophie Judah, Shantam Zohar and Judy Labensohn

13:45-15:30 Storytelling across cultures , an open writing workshop with Rob Handel

16:00-17:15 Discussion with Fulbright Visiting Scholar E. Ethelbert Miller and poet Joy Katz

18:30-20:00 Poetry reading with E. Ethelbert Miller and Joy Katz

Tuesday, May 8 More Literary Pleasures

10:00-11:30 Open workshop in creative nonfiction: Joseph Skibell and E. Ethelbert Miller

12:00-13:30 Open workshop in poetry: Linda Zisquit and Joy Katz

14:00-15:30 Open workshop in fiction: Evan Fallenberg and Joan Leegant

16:00-17:30 Reading by Fulbright Scholars in creative writing E. Ethelbert Miller, Robby
Nadler, and Jacob Newberry, moderated by Marcela Sulak

The 6th Annual Shaindy Rudoff Memorial Evening in memory of Founding Director Shaindy Rudoff, z”l

17:45-18:30 Reception

18:30-20:00 Suddenly, A Knock at the Door: Reading by Etgar Keret
in conversation with Evan Fallenberg

Remarks Hedda Rudoff

Closing remarks Allen Hoffman

All events are free and open to the public. No registration necessary.

An eventful may

(As seen on the department website)

Writing Across the Americas - An international conference.
Sunday, May 6th through Monday May 7th, Gilman Building Room 496

Annual Vardi Lecture - Professor Erik Roraback, Charles University, Prague, "The Autopoiesis of Modernity: A Philosophical Baroque"
Thursday, May 10th, 4 PM, Gilman Building Room 496

Reading a Symptom: Literary and Psychoanalytical Perspectives - International Symposium
Monday, May 14th

Friday, April 6, 2012

A new CFP - chronicity

Thursday 30th August – Saturday 1st September 2012
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom
The Call:
The apparent increase in and diversity of chronic conditions calls
for better understandings of the spaces between health and illness
that chronic patients occupy, often for most of their lives and raises
questions not just about those that suffer, but also about those that
care for them, available treatments and care, and social
Questions: 1) How can we articulate the tension between the
biomedical model of chronicity and its embodied experience? 2) What
language and other forms of representation can we use to map, chart
and begin to explore the meanings possible within such spaces? 3) What
insights can these provide to inform better chronic care management?
4) What is the relationship between chronicity and wellbeing? 5) How
do individuals, societies and cultures make sense of chronicity?
Themes for Papers/ Workshops/ Short Performances:
1. The Borderlands:
- well but ill; degrees of wellness; degrees of illness.
- chronic illness; terminal illness
- chronic pain/ acute pain
- metaphors for and of the journey
2. Understanding CI
- clinical trials/ Big Pharma and CI
- identity and sense of self
- shame, stigma and guilt
- medicine, the clinical gaze, and CI
- the relationship with our body
3. Living with CI
- CI and family
- CI and work
- CI and disability
- CI and ethnicity
- CI and gender
4. Giving CI Voices
- the language of CI
- narrating CI
- representing CI
- performing CI
5. Coping with CI
- chronic pain
- managing chronic illness/self-managing chronic illness
- life, time and reinventing meaning
- healthcare and CI
- living well
 THE WHAT: The 2012 meeting of Chronicity will run alongside the
fifth of our projects on Making Sense Of: Madness and we anticipate
holding sessions in common between the two projects. We welcome any
papers or panels considering the problems or addressing issues that
cross both projects. Papers will be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 27th April 2012.
 THE HOW: Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to all
Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF
formats with the following information and in this order: a)
author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e)
body of abstract, f) up to 10 keywords. E-mails should be entitled:
CHR2 Abstract Submission
Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using any
special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or
underline). Please note that a Book of Abstracts is planned for the
end of the year. All accepted abstracts will be included in this
publication. We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals
submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should
assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in
cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic
route or resend.
Organising Chair.
Maria Vaccarella :
Rob Fisher:
For further details of the conference, please visit:
Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and