Friday, March 9, 2012

New student writers blog from the UK

This is a new literary blog founded by graduate students at the University of Sheffield, UK.  I think it'd be a great idea for our talented student poets/writers to participate and to gain international exposure. Here is the info I recieved:

Dead Beats was founded in order to give young student writers a space to present their work. We invite everyone to send in their poetry/prose, regardless of experience, the best of which we publish online. Drawing upon the counter-cultural sentiments of the Beat Generation, we wanted to call back to a time when literature was still groundbreaking and in light of the worldwide cutbacks to the arts, still vital. The blog has gained considerable worldwide attention since its conception, garnering over 4000 likes on Facebook and being followed on social networks by some major publishing houses (notably Penguin and Vintage).

1 comment:

  1. Hope, new students blog writers can give us something interesting in this new year. Best wishes for them.
    Agrodut Mandal
    Coursework Writing Online
