Sunday, February 12, 2012

Literary London 2012

Call for Papers - Literary London 2012
Hosted by: the Institute of English Studies, University of London
Organised by: The Literary London Society
4-6 July 2012
The 11th Annual Literary London conference will be hosted by the Institute of English Studies, University of London, on 4-6 July 2012. The Institute is located in Bloomsbury, at the centre of literary London, and just a few minutes’ walk from such attractions as the British Library, the British Museum, and the clubs, pubs, and restaurants of Soho. It is at the heart of London: one of the world's major cities with a long and rich literary tradition reflecting both its diversity and its significance as a cultural and commercial centre. Literary London 2012 aims to:
  • Read literary and dramatic texts in their historical and social context and in relation to theoretical approaches to the study of the metropolis.
  • Investigate the changing cultural and historical geography of London.
  • Consider the social, political, and spiritual fears, hopes, and perceptions that have inspired representations of London.
  • Trace different traditions of representing London and examine how the pluralism of London society is reflected in London literature.
  • Celebrate the contribution London and Londoners have made to English literature and drama.
Proposals are invited for 20-minute papers, comprised panels, and roundtable sessions, which consider any period or genre of literature about, set in, inspired by, or alluding to central and suburban London and its environs, from the city’s roots in pre-Roman times to its imagined futures. While the main focus of the conference will be on literary texts, we actively encourage interdisciplinary contributions relating film, architecture, geography, theories of urban space, etc., to literary representations of London. Papers from postgraduate students are particularly welcome for consideration. While papers on all areas of literary London are welcomed, the conference theme in 2012 is ‘Sports, Games, and Pastimes’. Topics that might be addressed are:
  • Sport: participation, spectatorship, and sporting events including the three London Olympics
  • Gambling
  • Shopping and fashion
  • Pubs and coffee houses
  • Games and hobbies
  • Holidays, downtime, and park-life
  • Child’s play
  • Reading and writing as pastimes
Please submit all proposals for 20-minute papers, comprised panels, and roundtable sessions using the online forms at
All proposals must be received by the deadline of 1 April 2012
For more information about the conference, please contact the conference organiser, Martin Dines, at
The full call for papers, online proposals forms, and information about the Literary London Society and the Literary London Journal can be found at the Society’s website:
Please circulate this CFP far and wide!


  1. sounds interesting? Good luck to those who plan to go!

  2. sounds interesting? Good luck to those who plan to go!
